2023 Event 2 Results – Muskrat Lake #1

Event 2 is complete and results can be found below. Congrats to all of our winners!

Event 2 RankTeam #Team Members# of FishWeightBig Fish
111Brown / Campbell521.705.54
234Coulas / Neff519.815.19
330Scott / Guy519.37
426Brine / Brine518.654.21
533Craig / Fabian518.58
617Larmon / Larmon518.46
740McDonald / Gourley518.35
87Riley / Pruys517.79
929Patrois / Robillard517.78
105Fraser / Straccini517.70
111Brown / Thomson517.16
122Clow / Levere517.12
1215Lefebvre / Lefebvre517.12
149Parks / Sell517.11
1524Wylie / Wylie517.10
1635Farrell / Farrell516.89
1821Lambert / Element516.46
198Navin / Navin516.41
204Bevacqua / Bedard516.285.60
2119Fidaoui / Poupart516.214.86
2231Iafelice / Shackell515.89
2320Boyle-Baroud / Rochon515.84
2414Popplewell / Popplewell515.45
2528MacFarlane / Cameron515.43
2625Gibbons / Wilson515.41
2638McCallion / McCallion515.41
2827Bedard / Bedard515.15
2922Enta / Enta513.67
3010Leduc / Nguyen513.33
3118Lapensee / Phillips513.22
323Rouleau / Barrette513.18
3312Helmer / Young512.78
3439Rodrigues / Johnston510.58
3523Garneau / Avon510.47
3637Carrier / Carrier59.44
376Watters / MacPherson00
3732Balint / Hayes00
3736Stafford / Gavin00
Hidden Weight: 15.01 – no winner today.

2023 Event 1 Results – White Lake

Event 1 is complete and results can be found below. Congrats to all of our winners!

50/50 winning number ($55): 0044455.

Event 1 RankTeam #Team Members# of FishWeightBig Fish
133Craig / Fabian516.924.48
228MacFarlane / Cameron515.833.85
335Farrell / Farrell514.943.95
438McCallion / McCallion514.703.23
526Brine / Brine514.69
67Riley / Pruys514.54
75Fraser / Straccini514.13
831Iafelice / Shackell513.89
98Navin / Navin513.87
1040McDonald / Gourley513.78
1124Wylie / Wylie513.70Mystery Weight 13.75 Winner
1229Patrois / Robillard513.22
1311Brown / Campbell513.13
1417Larmon / Larmon512.98
156Watters / MacPherson512.74
1621Lambert / Element512.72
172Clow / Levere512.65
1834Coulas / Neff512.57
1936Stafford / Gavin512.45
2018Lapensee / Phillips512.26
2130Scott / Guy512.02
2212Helmer / Young511.76
2327Bedard / Bedard511.68
2414Popplewell / Popplewell511.63
253Rouleau / Barrette511.62
2610Leduc / Nguyen511.51
279Parks / Sell511.31
2822Enta / Enta511.06
2937Carrier / Carrier510.73
301Brown / Thomson59.99
324Bevacqua / Bedard00
3215Lefebvre / Lefebvre00
3219Fidaoui / Poupart00
3220Boyle-Baroud / Rochon00
3223Garneau / Avon00
3225Gibbons / Wilson00
3232Balint / Hayes00
3239Rodrigues / Johnston00

BAA Pre-Season Members Meeting

Attention 2023 members – an invite for a pre-season meeting was sent via email to all current members, last week. If you did not receive it, email us and we’ll share it again. This meeting is not mandatory, but is highly-recommended, and is scheduled for June 6 (evening).

2023 BAA Teams

Here is the list of 2023 teams! We are full for the 2023 season!

Team NumberAngler 1Angler 2
1Crystal BrownDebbie Thomson
2David ClowTim Levere
3Rick RouleauVickie Barrette
4John BevacquaMike Bedard
5Jim FraserRoberto Straccini
6Todd WattersEd MacPherson
7Peter RileyEric Pruys
8Jamie NavinJosh Navin
9Shawn ParksBob Sell
10Pierre LeducAlex Nguyen
11Mike BrownBrian Campbell
12Troy HelmerFred Young
13Wilson Bassile
14Josh PopplewellRuss Popplewell
15Claude LefebvreDeanna Lefebvre
16Alex Jelev
17Jackson LarmonDaniel Larmon
18Adam LapenseeKirk Phillips
19Albert FidaouiZac Poupart
20Nick Boyle-BaroudJordyn Rochon
21Dylan LambertJake Element
22Brant EntaGenevieve Enta
23Brian GarneauJP Avon
24Patrick WylieCaleb Wylie
25Kevin GibbonsBarrie Wilson
26Cody BrineBernie Brine
27Andre BedardBernie Bedard
28Alex MacFarlaneAnthony Cameron (WAIVER REQUIRED)
29Jim PatroisChad Robillard
30Mitchell ScottAdam Guy
31Anthony IafeliceMatt Shackell
32Brad BalintRyan Hayes
33David CraigKevin Fabian
34Brent CoulasPhil Neff
35Sean FarrellEvan Farrell
36Mike StaffordWill Gavin
37Michel CarrierRyan Carrier
38Colin McCallionShawn McCallion
39Manuel RodriguesJerry Johnston
40Andrew McDonaldKeith Gourley

2023 Classic Location

The 2023 Classic will be held at Big Rideau Lake on September 9 & 10, 2023. As a reminder, BAA believes everyone should enjoy the fun, so we do not exclude any teams – there is no “cut line” or “qualifying” for this year-end event.

2023 Season Information

The 2023 schedule has been slightly changed to avoid fishing on Canada Day and the typical boat ramp mayhem that comes with it. All lakes and venues are “To be confirmed” (TBC) until we have received confirmation and permits for all events. The 2023 Classic location will not be announced until closer to the start of the 2023 season.

If you are interested in joining BAA for 2023, we are currently accepting requests for the wait-list. Fill out the form here and we will reply as soon as possible confirming your request. Note that nobody will be required to pay (including returning members) until mid-February 2023 at the very earliest.

We intend to hold a members meeting in Spring 2023, probably around May or early June, to allow all 2023 members new and old, to join us for a rules discussion, meet-and-greet the execs, and a social event of sorts. Stay tuned to your email for the details on this.

NEW!! A Progressive Mystery Weight Jackpot! See details below the payouts here. We’re excited to launch this fun initiative for 2023!

2022 Classic Results – Newboro Lake

The 2022 BAA Classic on Newboro Lake takes place September 10 & 11, 2022. Results can be found below.

As a reminder, the Classic is a combined 2-day event paying to 5th place – see here for payouts. Big Fish 1 and 2 are paid for each day separately.

Congrats to the Day 1 and Day 2 “Big Fish” winners, and congrats to the overall 2-day weight winners!

Classic RankTeam #Team MembersDay 1 # of FishDay 1 WeightDay 1 Big FishDay 2 # of FishDay 2 WeightDay 2 Big FishTOTAL WEIGHT
128MacFarlane / Dallaire521.344.28519.2140.55
28Fidaoui / Fidaoui516.074.13521.44.9337.47
317Larmon / Larmon520.194.47511.7331.92
45Fraser / Straccini516.553.28515.231.75
526Brine / Brine515.984.23515.3331.31
738McCallion / McCallion515.493.35514.284.0429.77
87Riley / Pruys516.74.44512.64.2529.3
919Thompson / Hartley512.3516.9929.29
1011Brown / Campbell513.913.91514.0928
113Riopelle / Riopelle515.943.69511.6627.6
129Parks / Sell513.49514.023.4627.51
1310Leduc / Rouleau514.344.56512.2326.57
1429Patrois / Robillard511.7513.6925.39
1533Flynn / MacIntosh511.65512.9124.56
161Brown / Thomson512.723.82511.7624.48
1727Bedard / Bedard511.09513.3224.41
186McPhee / McPhee513.03510.7923.82
1918Street / Weatherall513.383.74510.2723.65
2014Viens / Cavill59.63512.964.2422.59
2121Renaud / Giroux510.62510.4721.09
2230Scott / Guy45.92511.5717.49
2320Boyle-Baroud / Rochon513.910013.91
2412Lalonde / Lalonde513.290013.29
2536Merette / Russell512.9240012.92
264Bevacqua / Robertson512.430012.43
2737Carrier / Carrier511.150011.15
2815Lefebvre / Lefebvre510.410010.41
2935Farrell / Farrell510.190010.19
3032Turner / Mott59.62009.62
3122Enta / Enta13.553.5535.529.07
322Clow / Levere00000
3216Benson / Belisle00000
3224Horsfall / Duncan00000
3225Albert / Albert00000
3231Ambridge / Fancy00000
3234Coulas / Nef00000

2022 Event 6 Results – Rideau River

Event 6 is complete and results can be found below. Congrats to all of our winners!

Event 6 RankTeam #Team Members# of FishWeightBig Fish
112Lalonde / Lalonde5205.41
226Brine / Brine519.834.62
36McPhee / McPhee518.394.53
428MacFarlane / Dallaire517.81
51Brown / Thomson517.434.07
69Parks / Sell516.233.68
729Patrois / Robillard515.773.49
810Leduc / Rouleau515.75
94Bevacqua / Robertson515.74
1019Thompson / Hartley515.563.29
115Fraser / Straccini514.28
1221Renaud / Giroux513.55
1335Farrell / Farrell513.32
1414Viens / Cavill512.633.27
1532Turner / Mott511.39
1638McCallion / McCallion510.96
1727Bedard / Bedard510.41
187Riley / Pruys39.743.79
193Riopelle / Riopelle48.48
2037Carrier / Carrier23.27
#N/A2Clow / Levere0
#N/A8Fidaoui / Fidaoui0
#N/A11Brown / Campbell0
#N/A15Lefebvre / Lefebvre0
#N/A16Benson / Belisle0
#N/A17Larmon / Larmon0
#N/A18Street / Weatherall0
#N/A20Boyle-Baroud / Rochon0
#N/A22Enta / Enta0
#N/A24Horsfall / Duncan0
#N/A25Albert / Albert0
#N/A30Scott / Guy0
#N/A31Ambridge / Fancy0
#N/A33Flynn / MacIntosh0
#N/A34Coulas / Nef0
#N/A36Merette / Russell0